by Erie Insurance on January 2, 2020
As the year winds down, people will be making New Year’s resolutions—and lots of them. This year, many Americans will make a New Year’s resolution to get fit, stop smoking, learn French, stress less and onward and so on. And yet… Anyone who has witnessed a crowded January gym slow to a trickle by February knows that many resolutions just don’t stick. Some studies have reported that as few as 8 percent of people actually succeed in keeping their resolution. So, how can you be among the few who see their promise through? Here are a few ideas to make it go right. TIPS FOR KEEPING YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION
At Erie Insurance, we have a genuine enthusiasm for our customer’s successes. Whether you’re renovating your home, starting a family or changing direction in life, we’re eager to offer our encouragement and expertise. Retrieved from:
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